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Curious about the security of my router fermwair.

From: tapper <lancett01 () googlemail com>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 11:39:26 +0000

Hi my name is Jonathan. I don't know if this is the write place to ask about this but here gos.

I would like to know if any one would like to have a poke around at the third party router firmware I use on my router called Gargoyle.
Its a easy to use interface built on top of Openwrt.

I use this firmware because it has some grate plug ins and the user interface has grate a11y. I use a screen reader as I am blind and the html5 interface is easy for me to get around in.

It's homepage

The devs behind Gargoyle are really nice people and have helped me out with bugs and made me a mod on the forum.
What I would really like to know is just how secure is this firmware?

I'm not a coder. I am just interested in how safe is my router firmware keeping me?

If any one finds any sacurety bugs I know they will get fix.

Thanks and sorry about my spelling Jonathan                             

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