oss-sec mailing list archives

CVE Request: OpenAFS: directory information leaks (OPENAFS-SA-2016-003)

From: Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil () debian org>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 20:05:42 +0100


The OpenAFS project has released a security advisory:


OpenAFS Security Advisory 2016-003

Topic: directory information leakage
Issued: 30 November, 2016
Affected: OpenAFS client versions 1.0 through 1.6.19
          OpenAFS servers versions 1.0 through 1.6.19

The contents of OpenAFS directories may be leaked in client cache partitions,
in fileserver vice partitions, and on the wire for certain RPCs.


Due to incomplete initialization or clearing of reused memory, OpenAFS
directory objects are likely to contain "dead" directory entry information.
This extraneous information is not active - that is, it is logically invisible
to the fileserver and client. However, the leaked information is physically
visible on the fileserver vice partition, on the wire in FetchData replies and
other RPCs, and on the client cache partition. This constitutes a leak of
directory information.

I'm attaching the full advisory for reference (and to have it int the
list archives).



Could you please assign a CVE for the directory information leak issue
in OpenAFS?


Attachment: OPENAFS-SA-2016-003.txt

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