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Re: PHPMailer < 5.2.18 Remote Code Execution [CVE-2016-10033]

From: Peter Bex <peter () more-magic net>
Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 15:55:59 +0100

On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 03:46:50PM +0100, Hanno Böck wrote:

Given I had plenty of time on the train to 33c3 I did a quick
lookaround on what contains PHPMailer. As the details of the vuln
aren't clear yet this doesn't necessarily mean they're vulnerable, just
that they ship the affected code.

It looks like the vulnerability is due to a missing escaping of shell
arguments in the sender's e-mail address.  This commit seems to be
the one that fixes the bug:

So it depends on whether a web form allows one to control the "from"
mail address or not.

Drupal doesn't contain PHPMailer, although mentioned in the advisory.
But there are probably plugins and extensions using it. I also saw it
used in some wordpress themes.

I noticed this Drupal module: https://www.drupal.org/project/phpmailer
which has some sort of integration with the widely used mimemail module.
The linked module http://drupal.org/project/smtp also uses PHPMailer.
There are undoubtedly more modules that do.

The LCMS system Chamilo also uses PHPMailer for sending mails internally.

Peter Bex

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