oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: vulnerable version: 4.8.12 and previous versions but xml file says: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:4.8.12"/>

From: Kurt Seifried <kseifried () redhat com>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 10:50:00 -0700

On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Sona Sarmadi <sona.sarmadi () enea com>

On 2016-12-14 15:26, Kurt Seifried wrote:
Why are you complaining about a nist.gov website/data on an opensource
security mailing list/to MITRE? (hint: we can't fix it and neither can
MITRE) Please contact NIST.

Thanks for being so helpful.

I was just trying to see of there are other people out there who also
think this is a problem. This list seemed like a place where I could
find such people.
Perhaps someone knows a work around, perhaps some post-processing tool.
If none exists, I guess we have to try to fix the problem at the source
or use another CVE databse.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 1:19 AM, Sona Sarmadi <sona.sarmadi () enea com>

Hi all,

It seems that nvd.xml files (e.g. nvdcve-2.0-2016.xml) does not list
vulnerable versions correctly. One example is the following CVE.

So I've been thinking about the question here (and several other recent
postings) and my response (less than ideal, and unnecessarily grumpy for
which I apologize). Here are my assumptions:

1) We (infosec, technology, basically everyone) needs better context
sensitive help/guidance. Obviously this won't happen globally so

2) We (infosec, technology, basically everyone) needs better public
documentation on things that people ask, for example the CVE
"***RESERVED*** description question I got so often I updated the CVE
Wikipedia entry, searchability and SEO ranking is an issue here (what good
are docs if google/bing/etc don't show them to people asking questions?)

3) We do have a number of specific sites we should probably target to
include the information (Wikipedia, StackExchange sites, etc.)

4) We definitely have a number of sites where people ask questions (this
list, Reddit, etc.)

This feeds into my CVE Mentor idea, we need people that can easily be
discovered and either know the answers, know where to find the answer, or
know who to ask/further direct people to for help. But we need it more
generally than just for CVE.

Now, I suspect many of my assumptions are wrong/out dated. So I would
appreciate if people would give feedback (where do you go for security
info? instagram?) I would appreciate that.

Kurt Seifried -- Red Hat -- Product Security -- Cloud
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