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Tcsh: Out-of-bounds read in c_substitute()

From: Andrej Nemec <anemec () redhat com>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2016 14:51:26 +0100

Hello folks,

We were made aware of an out-of-bounds read issue that was reported to
Tcsh upstream and fixed. This issue could result in a crash after
starting tcsh and hitting TAB on some systems.

Right now, the issue is contained in Fedora/RHEL, because we're using
glibc's sysmalloc (not the builtin malloc), which masks the issue.
Fedora maintainer decided to fix this anyway just to be safe. As far as
our systems are concerned we don't consider this a security issue for
now. I am looking forward to hearing other opinions if anyone is interested.

Bug report:


Upstream fix:


Best Regards,

Andrej Nemec, Red Hat Product Security
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