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Re: CVE Request: Info-Zip zipinfo buffer overflow

From: Tyler Hicks <tyhicks () canonical com>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2016 16:18:37 -0600

On 12/05/2016 03:50 PM, Steven M. Schweda wrote:
From: Tyler Hicks <tyhicks () canonical com>

   Thanks for the (thorough, helpful) report.

I appreciate it but Alexis deserves most of the credit.

Alexis Vanden Eijnde has discovered a zipinfo buffer overflow and
reported it here:


It is very similar to, but different than, this `unzip -l` crasher:


   It is.  And the easy fix is also very similar (and should appear in
the next UnZip release, version 6.1e beta):

Thanks for the quick fix. Is there a public code repository available so
that we can reference a specific commit that fixes this issue?

ALP $ gdiff zipinfo.c;39 zipinfo.c
<         sprintf(&methbuf[1], "%03u", G.crec.compression_method);
        /* 2016-12-05 SMS.
         * https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643750
         * Unexpectedly large compression methods overflow
         * &methbuf[].  Use the old, three-digit decimal format
         * for values which fit.  Otherwise, sacrifice the "u",
         * and use four-digit hexadecimal.
        if (G.crec.compression_method <= 999) {
            sprintf( &methbuf[ 1], "%03u", G.crec.compression_method);
        } else {
            sprintf( &methbuf[ 0], "%04X", G.crec.compression_method);

   Typical output (pre-release UnZip 6.1e beta, with some minor,
unrelated report format changes from UnZip 6.0):


ALP $ unzip6l -Z PoZ.zip
Archive:  ALP$DKC0:[UTILITY.SOURCE.ZIP.test_mthd_ovflo]PoZ.zip;1
Zip file size: 154 bytes, number of entries: 1
-rw-rw-r--  3.0 unx        2 tx u65535 16-Nov-21 19:07 a
1 file, 2 bytes uncompressed, 2 bytes compressed:  0.0%


ALP $ unzipx -Z PoZ.zip
Archive:  ALP$DKC0:[UTILITY.SOURCE.ZIP.test_mthd_ovflo]PoZ.zip;1
Archive size: 154 bytes; Members: 1
-rw-rw-r--  3.0 unx        2 tx FFFF 16-Nov-21 19:07 a
Members: 1; Bytes uncompressed: 2, compressed: 2, 0.0%
Directories: 0, Files: 1, Links: 0

The zipinfo buffer overflow occurs due to a flaw in zipinfo.c's
zi_short() function:

   Yeah.  We should have noticed this whan the "unzip -l" complaint was

Please assign a CVE. Also, consider assigning a CVE to the related
`unzip -l` issue from 2014. Thank you!

   Is that something I should do?  (I normally get reports with CVEs; I
have never created one.)

Nope. As you probably noticed, MITRE just assigned a CVE. It likely
helped that you confirmed the issue. Thanks again!



   Steven M. Schweda               sms@antinode-info

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