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Re: Re: [FD] [oss-security] CVE-2016-4484: - Cryptsetup Initrd root Shell

From: Jeremy Stanley <jeremy () openstack org>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 21:15:00 +0000

On 2016-11-15 20:11:11 +0000 (+0000), Hector Marco wrote:
It would be more precise to say "2:1.7.3-2" rather than "2:1".
This number refers to the Debian package. It seems that Debian is using
different version numbers for the "cryptsetup" package:


We are not sure whether the last part of the version number (2:1.7.3-2)
of the Debian package (1.7.3-2) is used to match with the cryptsetup

The "2:" prefix is called an "epoch" and was introduced around the
time the package was renamed from "cryptsetup-luks" to "cryptsetup"
(for reasons not entirely clear to me from reading the package
changelog, but is usually employed to work around version numbers
going in reverse or mistakes in version numbers for a package). The
-2 suffix is a package revision, which makes updated packages
containing non-updated upstream releases possible (necessary to, for
example, be able to fix bugs in the packaging itself). So in the
case of a 2:1.7.3-2 package version, 1.7.3 is the corresponding
upstream source version number.
Jeremy Stanley

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