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Re: Vlany: A Linux (LD_PRELOAD) rootkit

From: Rich Felker <dalias () libc org>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 10:56:54 -0500

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 01:18:44PM +0200, eov eov wrote:

Process hiding
User hiding
Network hiding
LXC container
Persistent (re)installation & Anti-Detection
Dynamic linker modifications
accept() backdoor (derived from Jynx2)
PAM backdoor
PAM auth logger
vlany-exclusive commands

Download: https://github.com/mempodippy/vlany

At a quick glance, this would be trivially noticed by using strace. It
also badly breaks thread-safety and AS-safety of lots of the
interfaces it overrides, so you would expect deadlocks and crashes and
other weird behavior in multithreaded processes and processes which
make significant use of signal handlers, which would suggest to the
user that something is badly wrong (and probably trigger them to try
strace or gdb) without them actively scanning for anything.


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