oss-sec mailing list archives

CVE Request

From: Steve Richert <steve () collectiveidea com>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 13:00:22 -0400


I'd like to request a CVE to track a security vulnerability found in Bundler (bundler.io <http://bundler.io/>). Bundler 
allows the user to specify sources from which Ruby gems are installed. If a secondary source is specified, even if 
scoped to a specific gem, that source is silently applied to all declared gems. This allows an attacker to introduce 
arbitrary code into an application via gem name collision on the secondary source, which will unexpectedly (and without 
warning) take priority over the primary source.

The issue seems to exist in all 1.x versions of Bundler. Bundler 2 is still in development and seems to resolve the 
issue. The Bundler team does not currently plan on releasing a patch for 1.x versions.

No CVE has been requested previously that I'm aware of.

Thank you!

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