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CVE request: kernel - local DoS due to a page lock order bug in the XFS seek hole/data implementation

From: CAI Qian <caiqian () redhat com>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 10:07:08 -0400 (EDT)

Running the trinity syscall fuzzer inside a docker container as an non-privileged user below,

$ trinity -g vfs --arch 64 --disable-fds=sockets --disable-fds=perf --disable-fds=epoll
--disable-fds=eventfd --disable-fds=pseudo --disable-fds=timerfd --disable-fds=memfd

always trigger a deadlock/hang at the fdatasync() syscall within 30 minutes with traces
(including sysrq-w info as well) like this, http://people.redhat.com/qcai/tmp/dmesg

This can be reproduced on any kernel post v4.4-rc1 as long as including this commit.

xfs: optimise away log forces on timestamp updates for fdatasync

Reverted the above commit against the latest mainline allows the trinity to run more than
10 hours without any deadlock/hang.

This had also been reported to the XFS maintainer and diagnosed as a page lock order bug
in the XFS seek hole/data implementation and presumably is still working on a fix better
than to revert the above commit.

   CAI Qian

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